The monster has new features and new technology - be the first to see
Aneel Ravji, Kelly Pulham and Russell Hutchinson
Quotemonster will be touring the country from 18 July to 11 August.
New tech and new tools:
New comparisons
New AI tools to make your life easier
New ways to make your advice process better, safer, and quicker
Review of recent guidance
At this stage, we don’t want to say more – but it will be worth coming along.
In addition, it’s a great opportunity for us to meet with you and hear about what’s happening for you in the market and how we can help. There will be time for questions and some one on one time with our team to work through any scenarios or features you want to explore further.
Look out for the invitation in your inbox (if you have an account) or just click on your nearest town below to register.
11 August - Auckland (North Shore)
We look forward to seeing you soon.